Good morning Shiloh! Today is Friday, May 12th, and here are your announcements:
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Congratulations to Christie Thevenin! You have won this morning's door prize. Please come to the office to collect your prize! Today's Teacher Appreciation treat is ice cream which will be served in the board room at 2:00 by Ms. Jones and Mrs. Wilhoit.
All library books need to be turned in ASAP to avoid a charge!
High School Band and Chorus students need to turn in the Holiday World permission slip today.
Anyone interested in playing high school golf next year please contact Mrs. Sisk.
Any FCCLA member interested in attending summer camp come to the meeting at lunch in Ms. Hendrix's room.
We would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs. Milam, Mrs. Donnals, and Miss Hackett for their time here at Shiloh. All staff is invited to have cake in the board room today in honor of these amazing teachers. Thank you all and we wish you luck with what comes next.
Happy Birthday to Gambel Morris and Happy Weekend Birthday to Ema Kindig and Maggie Milburn!!!
Graduation begins at 7:00 tonight. Seniors and Honor Marshalls should arrive at 6:00.
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.
Have a great day Shiloh!