Bus Stops

Town bus stops and schedules can be found here:


Please look for your student's bus stop and note the pick-up and drop-off times. Be at the stops at least 10 minutes early in the morning and afternoon for the first full week of school. The times will vary as our students and drivers get used to the new year's routes.  If your student lives outside of town and is picked up at your home, Dana will be at the Open House on Monday from 5 to 6 30 with your bus times.

 PLEASE NOTE: ALL students 3rd grade and younger MUST have an adult present and visible to the driver or they will not be let off the bus. This includes town and country stops. This is for the safety of our students. If the driver does not see an adult, the student will be brought back to the school.

Our buses are on a time schedule. They are unable to wait at the bus stop for students to arrive. If your student is not present at the stop, the bus will continue on their route.

Please discuss with your student the importance of good behavior on the bus. Full rules can be viewed in our student handbook. Important rules are stay seated at all times, do not move seats, sit in the seat the bus driver assigns you, do not yell, and keep your hands to yourself.  Also, for the safety of our students, adults are NEVER allowed on the buses.

We thank you for your help in making this year safe for all of our staff and students!