
Good morning, Shiloh! Today is Friday, February 21st, and here are your announcements:

Seniors do not forget you have scholarships in your mailbox. You can turn them back into Mrs. Megan Evans once you are finished with them. 

Seniors - the Phil Witt, Hume Auxiliary, and Hume American Legion Scholarships are due on March 3rd. Please get those filled out and turned in.

Sophomores and Juniors if you have not filled out the google form that Mrs. Megan Evans sent out please do so today. 

There will be a Jr. High Cheer Information for the 2025-2026 season on March 7th at lunchtime in Ms. Hendrix;s Room. 

Students this is a reminder that there are only two weeks left of the third quarter. Make sure that you are keeping up with your assignments and completing AR reading.

Next Tuesday Feb 25th there will be math ACT prep in Harper’s room at 7am. 

Happy Weekend Birthday to Zoey Shreeves, Claire Tharp, and Collin Tharp!


There is a high school cheerleader and baseball sign up in the high school office and on the bulletin board.

There is a JH cheer sign up sheet outside of Megan Evans office.

If you are interested in JH track signup in Jenni’s office.

 Now stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Have a great day, Shiloh!