Shiloh School's Fall Blood Drive is Thursday September 16th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in High School Room 11. This is our most ambitious drive ever, with 44 spots for whole blood donations and 13 double red donations time slots. (The double red procedure takes about 15 minutes longer than a regular donation. Two units of red blood cells are taken and the donor gets their plasma back. The donor then can’t donate for twice as long (112 days). Eligible blood types are O, A, B. There are height and weight requirements. See the website for additional information.)
- This is the link to schedule your appointment:
- You can also contact me and I will schedule your appointment for you.
- All donors will receive a choice of a gift card or a retro t-shirt.
- Gift card choices are Target, Amazon. Starbucks, Lowes, or Walmart.
Make YOUR appointment AND recruit a friend!
Let me know if you have any questions.