Good morning Shiloh. Today is Friday, November 11th, are here are your announcements:
Happy Veterans Day to all our district and community veterans! Thank you for your service!!
Did you know that 36,000 units of blood are needed each day and that every 2 seconds an American needs blood? It is once again time to donate with the second blood drive of the year coming up on November 21st. You must be at least 16 years old. Please contact Mrs. Saddoris to make your appointment or with questions.
There will be a meeting for any interested individuals wishing to go to Costa Rica in June 2024, on Wednesday, November 16, at 6:30 PM in Ms. Loop's room. (HS 7) Students, parents, or community members are welcome to attend the meeting for more information. Interested persons may also go to and enter the tour ID (CLOOP2024-3).
Happy Birthday to Grady Bowyer, Blake Owen, Myranda Smith, and Mason White!
Please stand and for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.