Dear Families, We have been in contact with Lifetouch regarding this Spring’s school pictures. Due to COVID-19 and recent school closures, we haven’t been able to distribute the picture packets. If you would like to view your student’s spring picture, you can call 1-800-736-4753 and Lifetouch will help locate your access credentials to view and/or place your order.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Burch
Spring portrait pickup
REMINDER: Today is meal pick up! Pick up is from noon to 1 at the central pick up points in each town. Call or text 217-921-4072 if you need to make other arrangements.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
National Student Leadership Week, April 19-25. Since 1921 the National Assoc of Sec. Sch. Principals has been committed to developing student leaders. Even with schools they are helping give input & working with peers. Shiloh has some exemplary young leaders who are seldom seen
over 4 years ago, Shiloh News
Student Leadership
WCIA-TV features Mrs. Sandy Moses and what COVID-19 changes to teacher who devoted her life to education and now won't get to finish her career face-to-face with the students she loves.
over 4 years ago, Shiloh News
The football lights at Shiloh tonight honoring our Seniors and the healthcare workers, first responders and essential workers keeping us safe, healthy and fed during this difficult time. Picture from Phyllis Stone.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Shiloh Lights for the Fight
As we anticipated, Governor Pritzker announced the cessation of in-person learning for the remainder of this year. We still intend to postpone prom and graduation ceremonies until later in the summer. At Monday's board meeting we will propose a plan for an nontraditional graduation ceremony. There will be an organized plan for parents to pick up students' personal belongings as well as to return Chromebooks and textbooks to school. We will continue with remote/e-learning plans for the remainder of this year. The last packet will go out May 11. We do not have guidance as of today to how we calculate final grades for transcripts. We will keep you posted.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Burch
Anyone else feeling like this? This was actually me on Day 2! Teachers are amazing people!
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Custodial parents can now check-in for student attendance through TeacherEase.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Burch
Remote learning check-in
STUDENT MEAL SIGN UP DAY IS TODAY! If you are already receiving meals, you only need to call if you DO NOT want meals next week. If you would like to sign up to start receiving student meals, please call 217-921-4072 by 3 pm today (Wednesday, April 15th). ANY Shiloh student is eligible to receive meals. You may also email at
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
REMINDER: Meal pick up is tomorrow, Monday, April 13th from noon to 1 pm. If your student is signed up to receive meals, please come to your town's pick up point between noon and 1. If you cannot pick up between noon and 1, please contact 217-921-4072 to make other arrangements.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Remember to check-in today, Friday April 10th for your e-learning attendance. Have a great weekend!!
almost 5 years ago, HS Office
Students, please remember to sign-in to your Teacherease account to Check-In for E-Learning attendance. This helps teachers view who has access to online material. Currently, you may do this anytime between 4am-11pm, Monday through Friday. Click on the link for detailed instructions.
almost 5 years ago, HS Office
Wednesday is student meal sign up day! If you did not receive meals this week and you want to sign up, please call 217-921-4072 by 3 p.m. Wednesday to receive meals next week. If you picked up food this week, you will automatically be put on the list. Please call 217-921-4072 by 3 p.m. Wednesday if you DO NOT want to receive meals next week. Call or email with any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Day 2 of Remote Learning-done! Thank you to all of the students checking in on TeacherEase to take attendance. Find the information you need for remote learning on the Shiloh site. Our site now has a tentative HS class meeting schedule as well as a form on the JH page so that students have one more way to submit which activities he/she chose for the week. Students (and parents) contact your teacher with questions, a friendly email, or just to check on whether you’re doing things correctly.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Burch
District Remote Learning
Elementary Remote Learning
Jr High Remote Learning
High School Remote Learning
SPRING BREAK CLARIFICATION: Due to our extended closure, we will no longer have Spring Break on April 9, 10 and 13. Instead these days...Thursday, April 9, Friday, April 10, and Monday, April 13...will be E-Learning/Remote Learning days. Students will be expected to complete any assignments due during that time.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Student meal pick ups are tomorrow, Monday, April 5th! Reminder: Pick up times have changed to noon to 1 pm beginning this week. Redmon residents will need to pick up at the church. If you need to make other pick up arrangements, please call 217-921-4072 by 9:30 am Monday.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
ATTENDANCE: As a clarification to the information sent regarding student check in for attendance: Attendance is NOT MANDATORY at this time. We understand that every family does not have reliable internet access to be able to check in for attendance. For those that are able, checking in will be helpful to our teachers to know which students they need to reach out to in order to provide support and alternative assignments. Also, checking in will help us to know where improvements are needed as we move forward with E-Learning in the future.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Find remote learning information for our Junior High students here:
almost 5 years ago, Shiloh Jr High
New JH Page
The student meal pick up date for next week is Monday, April 6th between noon and 1 pm. Please contact Jenni at 217-921-4072 or email at by 3 pm Wednesday, April 1st, to sign up for new service or to cancel existing service. Please note the pickup time is now from noon to 1 pm. Contact 217-921-4072 to make other arrangements if you cannot pick up at that time.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall
Seniors, 3 scholarships have been added to the website. Community Blood Services, Altrusa and Horizon Health. Please note due dates and contact Jenni at 217-921-4072 to drop off. Please call before the due date to set a time to drop off. Applications won't be accepted past 3:30 on the due date.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Weber-Hall