National Positive Thinking Day is tomorrow, September 13th. At the start of the year the junior high teachers decided to celebrate some of the lesser known national holidays & incorporate some preplanned fun & education across the JH. We have chosen one action day every month. Positive Thinking Day is our first! Tomorrow students will find a positive message on their lockers and will be encouraged to share some positive thoughts with others. Shiloh Junior High teachers and staff positively believe that great things will be accomplished by our students this year!

We are almost halfway through the first quarter. Junior high students who meet behavior and grade criteria will get a pizza celebration when the quarter ends!

The JH Baseball team will have practice today from 4-6 pm at Kansas.

Tomorrow is Picture Day! Sept 12th

The Jr High Baseball Regional game that was to be played at Paris Crestwood today has been moved to Wednesday, September 12 at 4:30 p.m. due to wet grounds. Bus times will be the same as what was supposed to be for today.

Shiloh Jr. High is going to recognize national holidays, many of them fun & lesser-known. One way we’re going to do that is with monthly dress-up days. First one is tomorrow: Patriot Day. We look forward to seeing 6th-8th grades in Patriotic, dress code appropriate outfits.

Bus Schedule for week of September 10th

Jr High Baseball Regional Game will be next Tuesday, September 11 at Paris Crestwood at 4:30 p.m. Oakland will drive. Oakland Bus: 2:15 p.m. Shiloh Bus: 2:45 p.m. Kansas Bus: 3:15 p.m.

The Jr High Baseball game has been canceled for tonight at Shiloh vs Villa Grove. They will have practice from 4-6 p.m. at Kansas. The Jr High Baseball game has also been canceled for tomorrow at Shiloh vs Okaw Valley.

Shiloh Grandparent Day - Friday September 7th. Seniors and grandparents are invited to a light breakfast in their honor. Please join us and learn about your school.

Fall Pictures are Sept 12th

Bus Schedule 9-03 to 9-08

Shiloh Elementary Parent Advisory Committee

Shiloh Schools are Mobile.
Download the app in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Important Notification from Mrs. Bosch, School Nurse http://5il.co/4lnw

Order forms for this year's Shiloh Elementary T-shirts are going home with students today. These shirts will be worn for field trips, and other occasions throughout the year. Please return the order form and payment to your child's teacher or the Elementary Office by August 31st.

Your child will be sent home from school if they have a fever of 99.9 or above. Do not send them to school the next day. Children MUST be fever free for 24 hours before they return to school. Contact Kara Bosch with any questions or concerns. Thank you.

Bus Schedule for 8/27-9/01 http://5il.co/4kao

Student learning happens best when there is good communication between home & school. Parents can have a login to Shiloh's student database showing, grades, attendance, and discipline notes. https://bit.ly/2PwtZif
Contact the school if you need an account.

From the Oakland5.org FB Page.
The Tri-County Golf team won the Tuscola Invitational team title today by two strokes over second place Blue Ridge.
The duo of Logan Richardson and Holden Kile won the individual doubles title carding a two under 70. Way to go Titans!