From the FB Page. --------------------- The Tri-County Golf team won the Tuscola Invitational team title today by two strokes over second place Blue Ridge. The duo of Logan Richardson and Holden Kile won the individual doubles title carding a two under 70. Way to go Titans! #TitanTrue
over 6 years ago, Terence Sullivan
Job's Available at Shiloh - Aug 10th.
over 6 years ago, Terence Sullivan
Job Posting Aug 10
The new website has a custom App for both iOS and Android. Search the stores or use direct links at the bottom-right.
over 6 years ago, Terence Sullivan
phone app link
New Vacancies due to increased enrollment. Shiloh is adding another class.
over 6 years ago, Terence Sullivan
Employment Vacancies Aug 6.
SHILOH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 POSITIONS AVAILABLE August 2, 2018 CUSTODIAN: Hours 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Start date August 16, 2018. Complete an application available in the Unit Office or send letter of application & resume with references to Dr. Allen Hall, Supt. Shiloh CUSD #1, 21751N 575th St., Hume, IL 61932 or Review of applications begins immediately and continues until position is filled. JUNIOR HIGH BOYS BASKETBALL ASSISTANT COACH: Send letter of application and copy of coaching or teaching certificate to Beth Harbaugh, Principal, Shiloh CUSD #1, 21751 N 575th St., Hume, IL 61932 or Review of applications begins immediately and continues until position is filled.
over 6 years ago, Terence Sullivan
PreSchool Screening & Back to School Orientation
over 6 years ago, Terence Sullivan
PreSchool Roundup
Shiloh Registration is August 2nd and 3rd.
over 6 years ago, Terence Sullivan
Registration Flier
Practice Shuttle for J.H. Sports
over 6 years ago, Terence Sullivan
Bus Schedule
Coaches Cookout Aug 9th by Horizon Health Care. All coaches invited.
over 6 years ago, Terence Sullivan
Coaches Cookout
Catholic Charities, Back-to-School school event. See News Article --
over 6 years ago, Teresa Hawkins
over 6 years ago, Terence Sullivan
Now Hiring
"" is live. Now with iOS and Android apps. Will take a while to fully populate.
over 6 years ago, Terence Sullivan
Every year Shiloh receives questions about 'Work Permit' rules. We can help and here is some info -
almost 7 years ago, Terence Sullivan
"Hello World" (classic line) Pilot Test from website scheduled to go live July 1st. Testing Live Feed integration with Facebook/Twitter
almost 7 years ago, Terence Sullivan
Website mock-up
Have a great summer!
almost 7 years ago, Veronica Apptegy
School Bus
Shiloh Class of 2018 30 newest graduating seniors May 11, 2018 23rd Class to Graduate #ShilohProud #ShilohHistory #Class2018
almost 7 years ago, Veronica Apptegy